General: Zapier
Financial: Sales Force, Microsoft Dynamics, Exact, Account View, AFAS, SEPA, DigiD
Travel: Travelport Galileo, BTN, Sabre, Bewotec DaVinci, Novasol, TotalStay HoSeason, FerryGateway
Medical: DICOM, HL7, FHIR, McKesson standards, COV
Auto: Informex, UBench, Car-Pass
Payment services: PayPal, Ogone, PayByLink, iDEAL, Adyen, IcePay
Identity: elD, BSN
Logistics: Seeburger
Navigation/Mapping: INRIX, HERE (Navteq), PTV, Google, Maps, OpenStreetMap, TomTom
SMS: Nexmo, Twilio
Mail: MailChimp, SendGrid
iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows CE
PhoneGap, Ionic
Xamarin, ReactNative
Microsoft .NET WinForms, WPF and UWP
C/C++, Qt
Java SE
Reverse engineering: Delphi, Visual Basic
Cloud: Microsoft Azure Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
App Containers: Docker, Vagrant, Kubernetes, Windows
Containers, Puppet
Message Brokers: Microsoft BizTalk, RabbitMQ, Azure Storage
Queues and Service Bus Queues, AKKA
Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Oracle
MongoDB, CouchDB, Memcached, Redis, Realm, Cassandra
Microsoft Power Bl, Microsoft SAAS and SSIS
Jasmine, Mocha, Karma, Codeception
QUnit, Nunit, Junit, MSTest, PHPUnit
Protractor, WebDriver.lO, CasperJS
Selenium, Puppeteer
React, Angular, Vue.js, Ember.js
PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Zend, CakePHP, Code Igniter
Node.js, .NET Core Web API, .NET WCF
Java EE, Spring Framework
Ruby, Ruby-on-Rails
Python, Django
SharePoint, Magento, Drupal, Typo3, SugarCRM, Sitefinity